No person shall manufacture alcoholic beverages in the Commonwealth without being licensed under this subtitle to manufacture such alcoholic beverages. To report an ABC law violation or object to an ABC license: Call (800) 552-3200 or submit the Violation Complaint Form.Virginia Code Title 4.1. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act § 4.1-325. In this blog post, we break down what you need to know about alcohol laws in the Commonwealth of Virginia, including what time you can buy alcohol in VA. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Section 4.1-201. Passengers can drink alcohol as long as they're in a part of the state that doesn't have a local ordinance that explicitly forbids it. Although beer and wine can be sold direct-to-consumer in Virginia, shipping of spirits is prohibited. In Virginia, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to purchase, possess or even attempt to purchase alcohol. It generally requires them to be age 21 or older to work as bartenders.