Every agreement entered into under the provisions of this article shall impose on the parties the obligation to act in good faith and deal fairly. Obligation of good faith is implied in every contract in Georgia.In re Royal, 75 Bankr. Section 11-1-304 - Obligation of good faith. Every contract or duty within this title imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance and enforcement. Good faith is one concept that defies a clear definition and courts have struggled to understand and establish its scope and ambit. In Georgia, as well as in virtually all other states, implied in every contract is a duty of good faith and fair dealing. Instead, the law holds that there are implied duties to cover situations not discussed in the written contract. This was very important because Nevada law gives a plaintiff a wider array of ways of making a successful claim. A duty of good faith and fair dealing may arise out of the parties' contract, or a court could impose such a duty as a matter of tort law.