The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing is different that a contractually set standard of conduct of "good faith. The recognition that there is an obligation of good faith in every contract has been regarded as one of the most important.When parties negotiate the terms of a contract, they cannot account for every contingency or event that may affect performance. A duty of good faith is implied in two contracts in are either in relation to the negotiation or the performance of those contracts. When a court or trier of fact interprets a contract, there is always an "implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing" in every written agreement. Acting in good faith means you will be honest in upholding your end of the contract and not stand in the way of the success of the other party. This decision shows that the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing is a powerful (if elusive) tool in contract disputes. The rule of good faith applies or is implied in any contract without being specifically stated in the agreement.