The Houston Permitting Center combines the majority of the City of Houston's permitting and licensing into one convenient location. Consul General met Dr. Jennifer Cowley, President of The University of Texas at Arlington and also interacted with Indian students.In Texas, If you're dealing with any sort of construction legal matter and need assistance. Call today at (713) 461-6500 to schedule a free consultation. Construction of road and appurtenant drainage facilities shall be in conformance with specifications as set out in these rules and regulations. 5. Restrict total length of distributed materials along the route of construction to. Call us at 713-909-7323 or fill out an online form to discuss your legal needs with a construction dispute attorney. DSK Construction is a full-service commericial and residential construction company serving our area for more than a decade. It advises clients on the entire spectrum of construction law issues and investments in the real estate sector. Andrews Myers is one of the top Houston law firms with 25 years of experience in construction law, real estate law, and more.