Contract Law For Dummies tracks to a typical contracts course and assists you in understanding the foundational legal rules controlling voluntary agreements. This article defines a contract and discusses some of the common legal issues in contract law.Home Improvement: Contract Tips Suitable as a supplement to introductory and advanced courses in contract law, Contract Law For Dummies gives you plain-English explanations of confusing. Baltimore breach of contract attorney William S. Heyman of the Heyman Law Firm explains the elements a contract must meet to be legally binding in Maryland. I'd like to get out of a contract that I signed effective July 7th, although employment doesn't start until August 1st. Q: Can Maryland lawyers charge without a contract or written agreement? A breach occurs if a party without legal excuse fails to perform an obligation in a timely manner, repudiates a contract, or exceeds a contractual use term. Of the Commercial Law Article, Annotated. Code of Maryland, Buyer and Seller may execute this contract electronically using electronic signatures.