A forbearance or a repayment plan are temporary agreements that may help stop the foreclosure process. The foreclosure moratorium, the ability to request a forbearance, and other emergency provisions included in the new law are now in effect."Forbearance," a temporary suspension of payments, including principal and interest and any escrowed payments required to be paid in the mortgage contract. The forbearance shall be for not more than 180 days. A forbearance agreement is made between a mortgage lender and a borrower that has gone delinquent on the repayment terms. The forbearance agreement required the plaintiffs to make an additional down payment and six monthly installment payments. A forbearance agreement can benefit both parties. For the lender, the forbearance agreement improves the likelihood and level of repayment. In order to qualify for home loan forbearance, a borrower must meet certain criteria. A forbearance agreement is a contract between the borrower and the lender, and it can be a valuable tool for lenders dealing with defaulted loan situations.