Appropriate permits are required for any new construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, movement to another site, removal or demolition of any building. The expectation for filling out required forms is to print these forms, fill in (handwritten is acceptable), sign and notarize as necessary, and.All concrete used in the construction of a project shall be 3600 PSI strength at twenty-eight (28) days, unless otherwise specified. For a consultation, call us today to speak to one of our experienced Charlotte real estate litigation attorneys at (704) 377-4164 or fill out our online form. All title V permits for the MCAQ area are processed in the Charlotte office. MCAQ's title V permitting jurisdiction covers all of Mecklenburg County. CharlotteMecklenburg Schools (CMS) is requesting qualifications (RFQ) from Building Envelope Consulting. All concrete used in the construction of a project shall be 3600 PSI strength at twenty-eight (28) days, unless otherwise specified. Are there any mandatory law requirements which need to be reflected in a construction contract (e.g. Carolina law will govern the interpretation and construction of the Contract.