Check out our available services below: Submit new permit applications and plans or corrections to existing permit applications. We have outlined a step-by-step process on how to apply for permits with the City of Miami to ensure you meet all regulatory requirements with ease.CODE of MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Codified through Ordinance No. 24-112, enacted October 16, 2024. (Supp. The employer shall pay employees wage rates in accordance with federal and all other applicable laws such as overtime and similar wage laws. (c). You have to check on the zoning in your jurisdiction. How to fill out the Miami-Dade Construction Trades Certification Application? Below you will find a list of Building Forms to be completed and submitted as document attachments to your online CSS permit application as required. Find the best construction attorney serving Miami-Dade County. You can apply for your permit online through the MiamiDade County website. Fill out all the required forms carefully.