All professional service contractors are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 44. Fill out the form below to request your free case consultation.Get Free Advice From An Experienced Contract Law Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call 866-845-5571 or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form. The term shall not include professional and other contractual services which are in the nature unique and are not subject to competition. Call (973) 890-0004 or fill out the contact form on this page to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers. Get legal support in business law from Attorney James P. Manahan in Lawrenceville, NJ. Schedule a consultation today. The County of Middlesex reserves the right to rescind any contract which it has awarded, prior to the commencement of work under said contract. (1) the category of case (e.g. Kits include fill-in-the-blank by-laws, minutes, stock certificates, stock transfer ledger and the corporate seal.