These form packets include instructions such as how many copies are needed, where to take the forms and what the next steps are. The attorneys at Martindale Law handle contract drafting, negotiation and enforcement for clients in Broward County and throughout South Florida.Contract law can be complicated and confusing. Hiring our West Palm Beach attorneys can help you understand and follow the rules and regulations. Call 561-485-4291 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation in West Palm Beach. A contract is a promise or set of promises that are legally enforceable and, if violated, allow the injured party access to legal remedies. In order to do business with Palm Beach County, vendors are required to create a Vendor. Our legal team drafts and executes concise, legally enforceable contracts for our business clients. Check all categories for which you want certification. These form packets include instructions such as how many copies are needed, where to take the forms and what the next steps are.