Building codes are published to meet the needs of local jurisdictions charged with enforcement of building standards for construction and use. Minimum Arizona Construction Contract Requirements Call 4802222225 for help with your contract.Have you been involved in a construction project dispute? A Planned Unit Development (PUD) is intended to be a standalone document of zoning regulations for a particular project. An expansive library of New York State code adoptions across building, plumbing, electrical, fire, residential, and more. No open fencing (such as wrought iron or chainlink fencing) may be placed on the roof of any building. OSHA: Arizona law fails to protect residential construction workers. Freeway improvement projects will require closures or lane restrictions in the Phoenix area this weekend. If you are located in a historic preservation district, you may need legal advice as to what you can or can't do on your property. While I was located in the Phoenix area I was in need for legal representation.