Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks. Develop and revise, as needed, all standard forms and templates for.College Agreements, in compliance with legal guidelines and general. A Certified Legal Document Preparer can be hired to assist with the preparation of legal forms, but they cannot provide legal advice or represent you in court. 5.3 Electronic Signatures. Family law cases are subject to the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure ("ARFLP") in addition to this Pima County Local Rule 3. THIS RECRUITMENT IS TO ESTABLISH A REGISTER for current and future LEGAL PROCESSING SUPPORT vacancies in the Pima County Attorney's Office. PAG Procurement Office, in conjunction with the PAG Program Manager, shall fill out and submit to the. Fill in the blank Contract for Deed form formatted to comply with all Arizona recording and content requirements. Regulations, or Legal Requirements applicable to College, the Project and the Contract.