Here the court will look at the construction of the contract and then work out whether the obligations of the parties have changed. d. This quiz book is designed to help you reinforce your understanding of contract law with quiz questions like flash-cards and explanatory answers.Try a quiz for Contracts, created from student-shared notes. Which of the following is the most complete definition of a contract? Do you have a take whether you think we should call out the jurisdiction in USA, Delaware, or Santa Clara? The document contains a series of multiple choice questions about contract law, tort law, and the branches of government. Covering topics like the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), common law, contract formation, performance, warranties, and remedies for breach. Yes. If they are authorized under Family Code, Section 400, out-of-state ministers may perform marriages. Covering topics like the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), common law, contract formation, performance, warranties, and remedies for breach. It is a handy short-cut for finding the general principles of contract law.