Twomey Latham attorneys provide construction law services in a highly litigated industry through Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. Find the best construction attorney serving Suffolk County.The Law Offices of John Caravella can serve as party representative to arbitration or be appointed to serve as arbitrator for private party arbitrations. Present Your Case to Construction Disputes Lawyers in Suffolk County. They'll review your case and respond within 48 hrs. We are experienced in handling private and public sector disputes, ensuring that all legal aspects of construction projects are meticulously managed. LIDRC provides conflict resolution services in the form of arbitration, conciliation, mediation, surrogate decision making, and training. Collaborative law: The couple and their respective attorneys work together to decide all the terms of the divorce. Need Help With a Legal Issue? Having broad experience in both construction disputes and transactions, our attorneys will advocate for your best interests to advance your projects.