I am requesting a temporary deferment from enrolling in the NLTP until my status changes. See Rule 14-808(c)(2).From contracts to claims our attorneys are up to date on Utah construction laws and our experience can help you and your business. If you can't find an internship opportunity under your area of study, we can help you set up your own internship. Under the FLSA, all employers must provide employees overtime pay at 1.5 times their regular rate for hours worked beyond 40 in a workweek. Parr Brown's construction law attorneys are leaders in counseling, negotiating, and resolving claims and disputes in Utah and throughout the Intermountain West. CONTACT US Meet with us or schedule a tour The Admissions Teams are available to answer your questions –– please fill out the request form… This is the date that the latest traffic regulation in Utah will take effect. He was also named the Best Lawyers® "Lawyer of the Year" in Utah for Construction Law (2015) and Government Relations Practice (2017). This law aims to establish principles, building technical regulations, rules and procedures for construction sector management in the Kingdom of Cambodia.