Any agreement, contract, and promise shall be void, unless such agreement, contract, or promise, or some note or memorandum thereof, be in writing. Oral agreements or oral commitments to loan money, extend credit, or to forbear from enforcing repayment of a debt are not enforceable under Washington law.The general rule is that contracts do not need to be in writing. The exception would be the contracts falling under the statute of frauds. Relevant here, a contract provision is unenforceable if it is deemed unconscionable. Fill out legal documents online for free. It's simple: we ask you questions and use your answers to complete the documents you need. Oral Promises As a general rule, a written contract is final. In Washington, the first element that must be included in a contract in order for it to be legally binding is an offer. In Washington, the basic maxim is "An agreement is enforceable if its terms are reasonably certain.