The City Bar Justice Center's Legal Hotline offers legal information, advice and referrals to low-income New Yorkers who cannot afford a private attorney. Bronx County Law Library.The Law Library serves as the primary legal reference resource for judicial personnel and support staff of the Bronx Supreme Court. Not-for-profit groups or organizations should first contact their elected officials when seeking discretionary funds for a capital project. Learn about contract litigation and how to handle a breach of contract. Find info on contract law with NYC Bar. I am a skilled Construction Law attorney dedicated to helping clients with matters such as payment disputes, cases involving NYS Labor Law §§ 200, 240, and 241. You can use this page as a guide for the information you need to successfully record your lien claim with the Bronx County Clerk. For-profit entities, including service, retail and manufacturing companies operating in the Bronx and nonprofit organizations in the Bronx. Competency is a common argument in the validity of a will or other estate planning documents.