The Superior Court of California, Santa Clara County, may provide an incentive to bidders and proposers that are certified small businesses. If you need assistance with reviewing, drafting, or enforcing a business contract, contact SAC Attorneys LLP.Find small business purchase agreement lawyers for Santa Clara, CA to hire. California Government Code section 84308 ("Levine Act") requires a party to a proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement. At SAC Attorneys LLP, we negotiate, draft, enforce and litigate contracts for small to medium-sized businesses throughout the Silicon Valley. A legal contract exists only when one party makes an offer and the other accepts all terms of that offer. Call 408-866-1810 for assistance in San Jose, Santa Clara County, San Francisco, and Across the San Francisco Bay Area. BoyesLegal, APC advises small businesses throughout California, such as San Jose on all aspects of business operations. Dispute resolution is immediately necessary so that businesses on either side of the dispute can avoid additional harm. How to find the right legal name for a business you are suing in Santa Clara Small Claims Court.