Radioactive Material. This comprehensive regulatory framework supports the management and treatment of hazardous wastes that are common by-products of commerce and industry.People can be exposed to dangerous chemicals when cleaning up flooded homes and disposing of damaged household items. The U.S. Environmental Protection. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the "Clean Water Act," as amended, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq. Therefore, the purpose of this Charter law is to extend the Suffolk County. People can be exposed to dangerous chemicals when cleaning up flooded homes and disposing of damaged household items. The U.S. Environmental Protection. The safest way of dealing with a firework, that is complete and undamaged, is to function it in accordance with the instructions provided with the firework. The grand jury indicted 30 individuals and 9 corporations for illegally disposing of solid waste at 24 locations on Long Island.