Both possibilities involve leaving your job; however, there are some benefits you're entitled to get when you retire instead of resigning. A resignation implies future activity.Friends, colleagues, and students will want to know what is next for me. A resignation letter will work, but should I send a retire notice? I heard, unconfirmed, my company give a retirement package of one or two month salary. In this article, we discuss how to write a retirement letter and we provide an example letter to help you draft your own. The difference between retirement and quitting is that you would typically need to reach a certain age and be with the company a certain length of time. A letter of resignation is not mandatory and notifying your employer of your intent to tender you resignation definitely isn't necessary. This article will address how to write a retirement letter of resignation and provide an example that you can use as a template for your own retirement letter. We'll cover how to write a retirement letter, including a stepbystep guide, a sample letter and frequently asked questions.