A resignation template or example to refer to will often help you clarify your statement and keep it concise and ontopic. Simply write that you're leaving for "personal reasons" after stating your intent to resign and your last day of employment with the company.In this article, we discuss what to include in a professional resignation letter and we share examples of resignation letters you can use for reference. These top samples of resignation letters for personal reasons can be used as helpful templates when you are looking to resign due to personal circumstances. The employee should make sure to include their name, current job position, a brief explanation of why they are resigning, and what date their last day will be. The employee should make sure to include their name, current job position, a brief explanation of why they are resigning, and what date their last day will be. Explain Reasons: Provide a brief but clear explanation of why the employee is being terminated, including any prior warnings or issues. In the body of the letter, immediately state your intention to resign and provide your reasoning, including only positive feelings towards your work experience. In the opening paragraph, clearly state that you are resigning from your position.