I am writing to formally announce my retirement from my position as Senior Marketing Manager with BluWave, effective April 30, 2050. I would not give any reason for leaving.In this article, we discuss how to write a retirement letter and we provide an example letter to help you draft your own. This article will address how to write a retirement letter of resignation and provide an example that you can use as a template for your own retirement letter. Use this resignation letter sample as a model to advise your employer that you are resigning because you are leaving the workforce. Finding a replacement may be a difficult undertaking for the employer. (Candidates must live in the region). Want to help us simplify the world of data management? The University of Utah is in Salt Lake City, a metropolitan area consisting of 1.5 million residents. Drummond's resignation letter of March 1857 made unfounded charges against the Church, arguing that only federal troops could bring order to the region.