The writ shall be issued within 30 days of the vacancy or receipt of notification of the vacancy, whichever comes first. The bill is sent to the Governor for approval, where the Governor may 1) sign the bill into law;.2) amend the bill and return it to the General. No state permit is required to otherwise purchase or possess a rifle, shotgun or handgun. To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, burden or accusation. The Unauthorized Practice Rule states that no non-lawyer will practice law in the Commonwealth. Virginia law requires the officer to issue a Virginia Uniform Summons and release the suspect from custody. And our Organization comes out of this Assembly with vigour, honour and unity, all in the service of health. AprobaciĂ³n del Acta de la sesiĂ³n anterior: vĂ©ase el Acta . Acta AgronĂ³mica. 2015.