Arbitration is a mandatory but non-binding informal hearing where a neutral arbitrator, or panel of arbitrators, is selected to hear the evidence in your case. The Law Division Mandatory Arbitration program is an alternative dispute resolution process for civil suits seeking money damages.On May 24, 2024, the California Court of Appeal held that USC's arbitration agreement with its employee, Pamela Cook, was unenforceable. In these situations, the ICDR can proceed if the other side agrees. You may contact the other side(s) and jointly fill out a. Apple CEO Tim Cook and Samsung CEO GeeSung Choi met with a judge in a sobering example of negotiation in business. Most commercial cases eventually settle before trial or arbitration. The Office of the Illinois Courts provides information about the Illinois court system, including Circuit Courts, Appellate Courts, and the Supreme Court. Finra CEO Robert Cook failed to answer key questions about the regulator's conduct, according to Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep.