Thirteenth Judicial Circuit - Forms List. Please select the category below to expand and view general forms for those division.To begin the filing process, the plaintiff (the party that is bringing the lawsuit) would need to complete paperwork with information and facts about the case. These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. Should all parties fail to appear at the hearing, the arbitrator(s) must file a report dismissing the action. If you wish to be included in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court appointed arbitrator list, please download and complete the Arbitrator Application. Step 3: File Your Forms. You will need to file your forms with the Clerk of Court in the county where the case will be heard. The Court of Appeals held that a hearing is required to determine the petitioner's financial ability to pay one-half of the arbitration costs. It includes a docket, which is a chronological list of all court events and documents filed in a case.