The court shall review all civil cases to determine current status and possible referral to arbitration or mediation. Rule 13 - Withdrawal.A claimant may withdraw a petition up until 10 days prior to the hearing, thereafter the consent of the respondent shall be required. You must complete the "Claimant" and "Respondent" portions on the front of a Submission Agreement. In the blank spaces provided for the claimants' names, you. Where the parties to an action request deferral in a form substantially similar to Form 111.03 and the court has agreed to attempt to resolve. When Required. 112.02. Contents. Forms, and instructions on how to fill them out. Summons to Appear to Complete Juror Qualification Form, Jury Forms. When filing a claim online, you have the option to electronically sign the Submission Agreement while completing the online Claim Information Form.