Access to Forms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms. The Court and others offer a variety of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes to help people resolve disputes without going to trial.To initiate fee arbitration, you need to complete a Petition to Arbitrate a Fee Dispute and pay the appropriate filing fee. Click the button below to submit the Demand for Arbitration (North America). To initiate an International Demand for Arbitration, please download this form. Upon request, OCBA will provide client with a form Notice of Stay of Proceedings which Client may complete and file with the court or other arbitration. Listed below are fee arbitration forms and resources for attorneys. We offer a number of videoconference options for mediations and arbitrations based on case size and complexity. Meeting and Preparation of Joint Final Pretrial Statement. The Respondent in this Arbitration is the Republic of Korea, a Party to the Treaty. 15.