Seamlessly file a case online with AAA using an online demand form, an arbitration agreement and the filing fee. A list of cases in which the PCA has been authorized to release public information is included below.Interstate arbitrations. Our international arbitration lawyers represent private corporations and state-owned enterprises in major international disputes all over the world. Skilled San Antonio, Texas Arbitration and Mediation Lawyers. Gary has served as a mediator and arbitrator for more than 20 years. The ICSID Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators consist of designees of the ICSID Contracting States and of the Chairman of the Administrative Council. Robert A. Meyer, Esq. Foreign lawyers who need not be members of the Malaysian Bar) to act as counsel or arbitrators in arbitration proceedings held in the state of Sabah and. As a senior associate at Reed Smith, I practice in the areas of international arbitration, transnational investment law, and commercial litigation.