Entering a private space or property without permission or remaining on the property after the owner asks you to leave is trespassing. Examples. Information for property owners.Learn about historic designation, its effects, and what it means for property owners. If you want to garden as an individual (not a group) and license, lease, or purchase land you will also need to fill out a Tax Status and Public. Eminent domain refers to the right of the government to take private property and convert it into a public use. PA trespassing law is complex. Vacant lots can accrue layers of illegally dumped box springs and refrigerators or bear the remnants of decaying boarded up homes. Some parcels are converted. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property, and dealing with the end of a lease. A person may also trespass when they have permission to enter the property, but then refuse to leave when the owner asks.