To start the eviction case, fill out 4 court forms: Summons - Unlawful Detainer-Eviction (form SUM-130) Complaint - Unlawful Detainer (form UD-100) Then, you file them with the court.The landlord is required to complete Form RP-207(PDF, 329KB), which includes a notice explaining Temporary Relocation Payments to the tenant. Landlords, tenants and members of the public may request non-exempt rent registry information under the California Public Records Act. Days and FMLA may use extended sick leave from the first day out. Thank you for filling out our form. If you leave this question blank, you will be assigned to "No Party Preference. A. RFP Evaluation Cover Letter; b. Conflict of Interest Statement (with blanks filled in); c. To continue health care coverage under.