I am a baptized Catholic seeking an exemption from an immunization requirement. You need to briefly explain your religious history and religious beliefs and why these beliefs prevent you from taking the COVID-19 vaccines.This template is intended to assist you in building your case to be exempt from their demands. If the exemption request is successful on your behalf. I respectfully submit this statement of faith for a Constitutionally recognized and protected religious exemption against a mandatory injection. All new medical exemptions for school and child care entry must be issued through the California Immunization Registry Medical Exemption website (CAIRME). Employees should complete and sign an Employee Request for Religious. In order to request a religious exception, please fill out this form. Medical Exemption - An excuse from receiving COVID-19 vaccine due to a Medical Contraindication or Precaution. COVID-19 is a serious disease and has killed over 1 million people in the United.