It all starts with a form. Build the exact form you need, in minutes.Circuit Court fillable forms allow you to enter information on a form while displayed in Adobe Acrobat and then print the completed form out. Make your first form in minutes, for free. Fillout offers free, pro, business and enterprise plans that scale with any business. We're going to talk about why the forms don't get filled out and talk about a few reasons a few things and maybe even address some of the problems. Use our self-service options on this website to pay your taxes or make a phone or video appointment at your convenience. Cancellation Form: If you require assistance with canceling your membership for any Fairfax County union, please contact us for a cancellation form. ERFC is a Defined Benefit Retirement Plan that supplements the primary benefits you'll earn from the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) and Social Security. This form will look up your address, and send you to the membership form for your district.