Church trustees must file a petition in Circuit Court when selling, improving, gifting, exchanging or settling boundaries between adjoining church property. Once you have talked to one of our pastors, we will invite you to choose a Sunday and a worship service where you would like to take the covenant of membership.Circuit Court fillable forms allow you to enter information on a form while displayed in Adobe Acrobat and then print the completed form out. Sign up for membership class. Do you want new ways to welcome members into your church? Check out these top church membership welcome letter templates and best practices. Parents or legal guardians will need to provide the following documents: Proof of Residency in Fairfax County. Special-Called General Conference. Falls Church, an independent city in Virginia, United States, takes its name from The Falls Church, an 18th-century parish of the Church of England. As a caring congregation, we look forward to sharing God's love and blessings with you in the years to come.