Many cultural Christians are members of local churches. Endorse church membership transfers easily with Jotform Sign.Drag and drop to customize. Use for request re: Baptism Certificates, Letters of Transfer, Letters of Good Standing, Date of Joining, General Membership Information. A "Letter of Transfer" form is helpful when transferring membership from one congregation to another congregation. Members shall be removed from the Church roll for the following reasons: 1. Since graduating from Welch College in 1995, Fawbush has ministered in a wide range of roles within the Free Will Baptist denomination. Members shall be removed from the Church roll for the following reasons: 1. Any persons requiring a Learner's License exam MUST complete this exam in a full service DL office or through a third party exam provider. Customers must renew their Florida driver license or ID card every eight years and can renew up to 18 months in advance.