How do I write a letter to change my church membership? This is an almost unanswerable question without context.Participants must attend five gatherings—in person or via Zoom—to be eligible for membership. Write a letter to or call the church's office and ask to withdraw membership and remove your information from their records. The Weekday School is a progressive, play-based school on the Upper West Side of New York City, serving families with children ages two through five years old. "Transferring your letter" is more of a perfunctory act between churches who are merely shuffling members as though they are numbers on a score board. Frequently asked questions about alcoholic beverage licenses, license transfers, micro-enterprise home kitchens, and the online beer price posting system. Sign up for Class; Complete a membership application and sign the Riverside Church Membership Covenant. To apply for multiple school site clearance, please complete an Adult Volunteer Participation Form for each school site you are seeking clearance for.