IDEA includes clear and detailed provisions that guide how schools schedule IEP meetings so that parents have the opportunity to be involved and participate. You are invited to participate in a meeting to discuss your child at the date, time, and place noted below.What if the IEP team determines a portion of the evaluation cannot be performed? Family caregivers can request additional meetings, and this article includes a sample letter families can use to formally request an IEP meeting. The goal of the meeting is to decide if your child needs special education services. The criteria can vary from state to state. Step 5: An IEP meeting is scheduled. An IEP meeting request letter can be submitted to school staff and to district staff. Parents should receive written notice after a proposed change has been discussed as a team at an IEP meeting and before any changes are made. Prior to completing the request form, please be sure to provide at least a two week notice prior to any already scheduled IEP meeting.