The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Formal and Informal meetings are open to the public and will proceed under ARS 38-431 The city's official posting board is located at 39700 W. Civic Center Plaza.If you have general questions, call City Hall at (520) 568-9098 and ask for the Planning Division. The Maricopa County Merit Systems Commission is actually two commissions in one. The Commissions are responsible for overseeing the Employee Merit System. Maricopa CDWID meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at PM at our office 45290 W. Garvey Ave. Meetings are open to the public and we encourage customer input. The CoC Collaborative is a collection of cross-sector stakeholders providing housing and services to people experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County. Venue for the action to enforce the demand shall be in Maricopa county or in the county in which the alleged violation occurred. Notices of public meetings are posted on our website and on a bulletin board at the West-MEC District Office at 5487 N. 99th Ave.