The agenda may define an overall objective for the meeting including topics and action items to be discussed and who is responsible. Open meeting agenda shall include consideration of the meeting minutes from the most recent meeting," except when the agenda is for an emergency meeting).Associations are required to designate a reasonable amount of time on the meeting agenda for comments and questions from residents and unit owners. If you have a question or concern, we encourage you to fill out this form or call our office at 410-479-0660. Otherwise I use row 4 to add all names of the people in the meeting. Finally, if this note is a follow up then I create an link in the last row. Board meeting documents are available to the public for viewing on BoardDocs. Click on the meeting date below to view the Agenda and Meeting minutes. Set time expectations for each agenda item so one topic doesn't end up taking over the entire meeting. Maryland's Open Meetings Act is a statute that requires many State and local public bodies to hold their meetings in public.