Meeting of Creditors Locations. Please click here for information about 341 meetings for cases filed before September 1, 2023.These virtual 341 meetings via Zoom will be implemented on a rolling basis through early 2024. This page is for our current bankruptcy clients. In a Chapter 13 case, the procedure is much the same in that there is a "meeting of creditors" about 4-6 weeks after the case is filed. The 341 meeting of creditors is a required meeting between a bankruptcy filer, the bankruptcy trustee, and sometimes creditors. Information about this meeting can be found throughout this website, and at the following link: 314 Meeting Information. Lawyers at the Court Help Center may help you understand court documents, complete court forms, and prepare for court. Approximately a month after filing, the trustee will call a first meeting of creditors, which the debtor must attend. For example, some trustees ask that you fill out a questionnaire at the meeting.