Instructions for registering a business in Philadelphia, including how to choose your business structure and get a City tax account number. New entity filing forms are available on the "Initial Forms" tab.Registered Community Organizations (RCOs) are community groups that are concerned with the physical development of their community. Effect of filing of articles of incorporation. The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.CS §§ 701-716, requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in an open and public meeting. When you are ready to start your nonprofit, plan to incorporate and apply for 501(c) status, as these are important steps to fully achieve your goal. To form a new LLC complete form DLC-1 Articles of Organization. The basic form of authorization is the individual permit. Processing such permits involves evaluation of individual, project specific applications. To form an LLC, a Certificate of Organization is required to be filed with the Corporation Bureau of the.