IDEA includes clear and detailed provisions that guide how schools schedule IEP meetings so that parents have the opportunity to be involved and participate. You should receive a meeting notice of who will be attending the IEP meeting.The notice will have staff titles, date, time, and location of the meeting. In California, parents can audio record IEP meetings so long as they give the school district at least 24 hours notice in writing. In San Diego County, most school districts use template forms that they fill in and ask parents to sign. All of this information is typically given to the parents in the form of a "Meeting Notice. Resources and Forms for School Districts. Inform parents of procedural safeguards "at each" IEP meeting. • Give a copy of the notice to parent(s) at least once each school year. None. Pursuant to San Diego Superior Court Rules, you must participate in a pre-court meeting (meet and confer) with the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS).