Click Video to listen to the meeting and view agenda documents. Regular meeting agendas must be posted 72 hours prior to their start time and Special Meeting agendas posted 24 hours prior.The mayor or a majority of the council members may call special meetings of the Council. Each speaker should provide their name and address and then make a clear and concise statement. G.S. 160A-71 permits special meetings of a city council to be called in either of two ways. By signing up for E-Notifier, you can have the BOC monthly meeting agenda delivered directly to your inbox prior to each month's meeting. The Committee of the Whole is an informal special meeting of the full Planning Commission to have further discussions on specific referral items. The open meetings law requires that the purpose of a special meeting be stated in the meeting notice. View agendas and minutes from the City Council meetings online. Council must make a motion and vote in a properly convened regular, called or special public meeting to hold an executive session.