Even though states don't require LLCs to hold an annual meeting, an LLC must do so if its LLC Operating Agreement requires it. Some corporations must hold annual meetings and draft annual meeting minutes for satisfying their business compliance responsibilities.Annual meetings are a cornerstone of effective LLC governance. They offer an invaluable opportunity for members to reflect on the past year. Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This guide to starting an LLC in Texas provides step-by-step instructions on filing formation documents, obtaining tax IDs, and setting up company records. The following information has been developed to answer your questions regarding formation of an LLC and to assist in the filing of the Articles of Organization. Discover how to form your Texas LLC with this stepbystep guide. Annual meetings are an important part of any LLC's governance. They provide a valuable forum for members to review the past year's business.