With rare exception, employers that do business in Ohio are responsible for withholding Ohio individual income tax from their employees' pay. Resident individuals who are 18 years of age and older must file an annual return, even if no tax is due.Individuals who are ready to file a municipal income tax return or an exemption in one online session can file using FastFile. Cuyahoga Domestic Relations Court Local Rules of Practice. Meeting of the term or a special meeting called for organizational purposes. All Board of Directors' meetings for the Cuyahoga Land Bank are open to the public and include an opportunity for public comment. A) R20220408: A Resolution authorizing an amendment to Contract No. 2248 with MedMutual Life Insurance Company for group life, voluntary. County will meet with the Union to discuss the change. The application period begins in the Fall and ends in May or when all positions are filled. Use the My Interactive Retirement Planner SM to find out how your financial decisions, assets and plan might affect your retirement.