Learn to effectively advocate on behalf of neurologists and their patients, and access AAN position and policy statements. SfN's annual meeting regularly attracts more than 30,000 attendees, representing 80 countries; 536 exhibiting companies; and close to 300 journalists.To request CME credit for the 53rd Annual Meeting, please complete the survey form on the CNS Education Center after attending all sessions. Abstracts and awards are a cornerstone of the AAN's Annual Meeting, the largest conference for neurologist and neuroscience professionals. Calls for Research Abstracts. The chairs of this year's meeting, Drs. Stephanie Fulton and Matt Hill, have put together an exciting program that covers a wide range of neuroscience topics. N1 - Neuroscience in the Clinic: Emerging Autoantibodies in Neurologic Disease Both in-person and online On Demand. American University (AU or American) is a private federally chartered research university in Washington, D.C., United States.