Most states require that S corporations keep meeting minutes. Here's what you need to know about minutes, why you should keep them, and how they should be kept.This S Corp checklist is a great tool that you can use to make sure that you comply with all requirements and set your business up for success. The corporation must file Form CT-6 on or before June 9 of the year it was incorporated to be a New York S corporation for that first. For the following RITA Members, S-Corp distributive shares that do not represent wages are generally not taxable and should not be reported on Form 37:. If an LLC has elected S Corp tax status, its annual meeting obligation stays the same as its underlying business structure. For the following RITA Members, S-Corp distributive shares that do not represent wages are generally not taxable and should not be reported on Form 37:. Welcome to the City of South Fulton Official website. South Fulton, Georgia incorporated in 2017. This exemption only applies to OTPs whose states concur with the exercise of this exemption and its conditions within their states.