Use this form to file your annual renewal once every calendar year. There is no fee for filing the annual renewal if the entity is active and in good standing.For your Minnesota LLC, annual meetings allow your members to clarify roles, reflect on the business's direction, and maintain a record of decisions made. We provide an LLC annual meeting minutes template to help your business easily record the minutes of your LLC's annual meeting. File Annual Reports. Minnesota requires LLCs to file an annual report. To register a DBA in Minnesota, Minnesota sole proprietorships, general partnerships, LLCs, and corporations need to file a Certificate of Assumed Name. This guide to starting an LLC in Minnesota provides step-by-step instructions on filing formation documents, obtaining tax IDs, and setting up company records. The following information has been developed to answer your questions regarding formation of an LLC and to assist in the filing of the Articles of Organization. Ben, from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) was present during today's meeting.