Determining the options available for annual meetings requires an analysis of relevant state corporate law as well as the organization's governing documents. We are providing this circular and proxy materials to you in connection with our annual meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020.Shareholder meetings are a regulatory requirement, so both private and public companies must hold these meetings. Shareholders upon entering the meeting. How to run a shareholder meeting, including topics to discuss, what to vote on, who must be present and when to hold the required annual meeting. Directors also have a legal fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of each company where they serve. Many states allow domestic companies to hold virtual or hybrid annual shareholder meetings. What does this term mean in concrete terms? ✓Shareholder's Meeting easily explained ✓Frequently asked questions ✓Swiss templates ✓Examples. As companies finalize materials for annual shareholder meetings, we recommend consideration of the following key requirements and disclosures.