You can submit an application online to the Office of the City Clerk via City Clerk Online. Form a corporation, limited liability company (LLCs), limited partnership or more and do business in New York State.An organizational meeting is held when a corporation or similar business structure is formed. 3 min read updated on January 01, 2024 SoBro Social is a unique loft-style venue located in the heart of Bronx, NY. We have two distinct event spaces that can accommodate a maximum of 150-250 people. The Bronx County Clerk provides Indexing and Certification of Corporation filed in this office. A. A copy of your lease can be requested through your CSO. The "Just Home" proposal to house seriously ill people leaving jail cleared one of its final procedural hurdles at a heated public hearing. Co-op City (short for Cooperative City) is a cooperative housing development located in the northeast section of the borough of the Bronx in New York City. Process, Timeline and Meetings.