At the first meeting, discuss your block's needs and problems and why you want a block association. Choose a temporary Chairperson of the group and.While tenants in rent regulated or government subsidized apartments have special rights, many rules and laws apply to both unregulated and regulated apartments. Us (please put in the subject line the borough in which you reside). This guidance document is joint guidance of the State Education Department and the New York. State Office of Campus Safety. LaGuardia High School is the premiere high school for Arts and Academic education in the United States. Ms. Joetta Brown, 1st Vice Chairperson of Bronx Community Board Three, called the meeting to order at pm. INVOCATION. This booklet explains many of these laws you need to know and provides resources where you can find more information about landlord and tenant issues. This guide is a compilation of current U.S. Federal, New York State, and New York City Multilingual.